Project Iwo Jima
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Here you can find a large library of pictures taken at Iwo Jima, or pictures relating to Iwo Jima.  All images are thumbnailed, and if clicked will load much larger.  All images also have the file size in KB, and a caption relating to the image.

U.S. Storming Iwo JimaSize: 24 KB
This is an aerial view of the United States Marines storming the beach at Iwo Jima.  This was the largest Naval attack in US History.

Bombing Iwo JimaSize: 27 KB
This was one of the many planes that helped bomb Iwo Jima.  Picture was used in the logo at the top also.

A U.S. boat transportSize: 39 KB
This boat full of marines was on its way to the beach, along with MANY other boats.

Unloading the marinesSize: 30 KB
A scene of Marines being unloaded from the boats, onto the shores of Iwo Jima.  A lot of marines were very vulnerable to stealthy Japanese gunfire.

Advancing up the mountainSize: 33 KB
A U.S. Marine advancing up a mountain.  The soft volcanic terrain made it very difficult to walk or climb up a hillside.

Pyro with flamethrowerSize: 30 KB
This is a very interesting picture of a Pyro.  The flame thrower was mainly used to clear large groups of enemies, or in small areas.

Pyro using his flamethrowerSize: 35 KB
This is an extremley cool picture of a Pyro in action.  It looks as if he's torching something to the left of the camera, but you cannot quite see it.

Size: 25 KB
A cool action scene with a tank spewing out napalm at some enemies.  After repeated air bombings, the only way we could really get in and defeat the Japanese were foot soldiers along with hand grenades, napalm, and liquid gas.

The five men who carried the American flagSize: 45 KB
What happened before they rose the flag.  This was the rough trek up the hill, which later lead to the world famous picture we all now know and love....

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...The amazing and unforgettable scene of our U.S. Marines lifting the American flag.  Never before has Japan ever had an enemy's flag fly on Japanese territory.  A classic moment in U.S. History.

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This website created by Derek Smith for Doug Wacker/Jason Graves' 8th period U.S. History class.  For more information about this assignment, click here.  All text and the logo @ the top are original, and must not be used without my permission.  Copyright 2001.